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野中哲士 【プロフィール】

准教授 神戸大学大学院 人間発達環境学研究科




Tetsushi Nonaka, Ph.D. 【profile】

Associate Professor
Graduate School of Human Development and Environment
Kobe University

Infants as Explorers of the Environment

Newborns start exploring the environment into which they are born.

Through the encounter with gravity, ground, light and vibration that fill the air, and the other members of the society who carry and take care of them, the behavior of infants gradually fits into the unique opportunities provided by the terrestrial, populated environment. During this process, infants exhibit spontaneous behavior with rich variability and fluctuation, and the everyday environment that surrounds infants are organized so as to allow for such spontaneous exploratory behavior of infants. It seems that the everyday environment is really well-designed for infants to acquire the skills of “learning to learn”, which allow them to flexibly cope with different situations. In this lecture, I will focus on the aspect of infants as explorers of the environment and discuss what infants learn (and what they don’t) during the process of participating in the terrestrial, populated environment.


山口創 【プロフィール】

教授 桜美林大学 リベラルアーツ学群





College of Arts and Sciences
J.F.Oberlin University

How a baby recognizes human feelings and thoughts
-Tactile experiences in acquisition of joint attention

Babies learn to understand what a person who is interacting with them are feeling and thinking through interactions with their parents.  According to the preceding studies of joint attention, it has become clear that babies can look at the object that a person who is interacting with them are looking at, then, join in his/her vision at 7 to 8 months after birth.  The similar capacity was found among chimpanzees and birds.  It is considered that the ability of joint attention is acquired through learning as a part of visual experiences.  However, the recent neuroscience studies revealed that the “tactile experiences”, such as being cuddled, being carried on a back of a care taker, and being touched are prerequisite to develop the capacity to learn joint attention for the babies.  In the lecture, I will discuss why “tactile experiences” are so important when babies learn to understand other people and have a sense of how they feel, and how tactile sense affects the development of cognitive ability of the babies.

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金子龍太郎 【プロフィール】

教授 龍谷大学 社会学部




Ryuutarou KANEKO, Ph.D. 【profile】

Faculty of Sociology, Department of Contemporary Social Work
Ryukoku University

Interim Report of Research on How Long a Newborn Baby is Held by Caregivers.

Research on physical contact between a baby and a caregiver has been done independently in field such as pediatrics, developmental psychology, neuroscience and anthropology, but there are not enough empirical research.
Past research were based on Intermittently-recorded video and participant’s questionnaire, however, they lacked in the objectivity and the quantity of recording time.
In this research, we have developed an application using portable audio equipment to record life log data as noninvasively as possible. Using this application, we are collecting academically valuable 24-hour data of “baby being held”.
In this conference, we will give you an interim report on the data we have collected, and will take a general review on the connection between “baby being held” and environment exploring action with a year long longitudinal data we have collected in the past.

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細田直哉 【プロフィール】

准教授 聖隷クリストファー大学 社会福祉学部



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